Sunday, November 29, 2020

Impact of Employee Motivation

Heart of the organization are an employee and In order for an organization to operate smoothly and uninterrupted, employee cooperation cannot be replaced by anything else (Nurun Nabi et al., 2017). Employee motivation plays an important role in the field of management both theoretically and practically (Nurun Nabi et al., 2017) Capacity and motivation is needed for efficient organizational performance since that organizational efficiency involves staff ready to conduct, and not only voluntarily, but also skilled in any organizational activity (Lyimo, 2019). Organization management should treat employees as their most valuable asset, and in order to get the best and highest out of this valuable asset, management needs to know what motivates them as much as employees give. The best thing for the organization (Vaněk et al., 2012).

According to Heryati (2020), Benefits of Motivated Employees as follows,

·         Increased employee commitment.

·         Improved employee satisfaction.

·         Improved employee efficiency.


And Employee motivation increase by,


·         Improve Positive Communication.

·         Value individual contribution.

·         Positive workplace environment.   

The employee performance level is basically related to the three key fundamental factors: (1) knowledge and skills, (2) workplace and organization conditions, (3) motivation (Vaněk et al., 2012). Motivation encourages employees internally to take action that will help them achieve the required task employ effectiveness is a way which can inspire people to their work and can bring more work motivation to the commitment of their jobs (Saleem, Mahmood and Mahmood, 2010). Motivated employees focused on define goals and objectives that employees must achieve, therefore, it directs the effort in that direction (Manzoor, 2011).

Well-motivated employees are one of the assets to the organization, write the success of organization (D. Lowe, 2017). Motivation is a the process that initiates through a physiological or psychological want that stimulates a performance that is intended at object goals (Manzoor, 2011).


Motivational Theories

According to Varma (2017), There are  numbers of theories on motivation explaining,

Those are,

·         Maslow’s need hierarchy theory.

·         Herzberg’s two-factor theory.

·         McGregor’s theory ‘x’ and theory ‘y’

·         Vroom’s valence x expectancy theory.

·         Goal-setting theory.

·         ERG theory of motivation.

·         McClelland’s theory of needs.

·         Reinforcement theory of motivation.

·         Equity theory of motivation




D. Lowe,  networking for dummies (10th E. (2017) ‘About the Tutorial Disclaimer & Copyright’, Organizational Behavior, pp. 1–305. Available at:

Heryati, R. (2020) Why Employee Motivation Is Important (& How to Improve It), 6Q. Available at:

Lyimo, B. J. (2019) ‘Impact of Motivation on the Employee Performance , a Case Study of Zanzibar Airports Authority’, 2(3).

Manzoor, Q.-A. (2011) ‘Impact of Employees Motivation on Organizational Effectiveness’, Business Management and Strategy, 3(1), pp. 36–45. doi: 10.5296/bms.v3i1.904.

Nurun Nabi, M. et al. (2017) ‘the Impact of Motivation on Employee Performances: a Case Study of Karmasangsthan Bank Limited, Bangladesh’, International Journal of Business and Management Review, 5(4), pp. 57–78. Available at:

Saleem, R., Mahmood, Azeem and Mahmood, Asif (2010) ‘Effect of Work Motivation on Job Satisfaction in Mobile Telecommunication Service Organizations of Pakistan’, International Journal of Business and Management, 5(11), pp. 213–222. doi: 10.5539/ijbm.v5n11p213.

Vaněk, M. et al. (2012) ‘Employee motivation and benefits in industrial regions of the Czech Republic’, 12th International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference and EXPO - Modern Management of Mine Producing, Geology and Environmental Protection, SGEM 2012, 1(June 2012), pp. 571–578. doi: 10.5593/sgem2012/s03.v1022.

Varma, C. (2017) ‘Importance of Employee Motivation & Job Satisfaction for Organizational Performance’, International Journal of Social Science & Interdisciplinary Research, 6(2), pp. 10–20.


  1. In any organization, reduced productivity is a major problem. Time spent on social media, personal activities and conversations, and longer lunches cost the company money. This directly impacts the performance of the employees and the future success of the organization. (Shemjah 2017)

    1. If managers want to be successful, it is necessary that they cultivate their managerial skills in a manner that would provide for long-term achievement of the goals set for the departments under their leadership. The managerial theory and practice has identified three principal aspects that influence performance. The required performance cannot be attained without knowledge and skills without appropriate conditions of work and organization, and without motivation. The managers should realize that the aforementioned aspects are closely inter- correlated (Vaněk et al., 2012).

  2. Our world today has been described by the acronym VUCA (volatile, uncertain, complex, windy and ambiguous). In this rapidly changing world, organizations and individuals need to engage in continuous learning. To achieve a competitive advantage, organizations need to develop organizational learning, which can be achieved by acquiring learning individuals. From the latter’s viewpoint, it is getting more necessary for workers to learn continuously to enhance and maintain their employability (Corrales-Herrero and Rodriguez-Prado, 2018).

  3. Motivational factors such as fair wages and promotion, health and other services, work environment, job specification, prestige and request, management policies and style, non-cash benefits, sports and finally setting and defining goals play a significant role in employee commitment (Ahmad et. al, 2014).


  4. Organization’s success alone is not what makes its employees happy: instead, happiness itself makes employees more effective (Kolar, 2015). Motivated employees exhibit an innate penchant for building up optimistic voluntary behaviors and hold fast to them (Armstrong, 2014). They set direction and decide how best to pursue. Once they do the positive impact is ample to all stakeholders such as; Higher productivity, more innovation, low absenteeism, low staff turnover and the list goes on (Wijesundara, L 2018).

  5. Motivation is only likely when a clearly perceived and usable relationship exists between performance and outcome, and the outcome is seen as a means of satisfying needs. This explains why extrinsic financial motivation, for example, an incentive or bonus scheme works only if the link between effort and reward is clear and the value of the reward is worth the effort (Armstrong, 2014). 

  6. Heart of the organization is an employee and motivation. Capacity and motivation are needed for efficient organizational performance. Organization management should treat employees as their most valuable asset. Management needs to know what motivates them as much as employees give (Lyimo, 2019).

    1. If managers want to be successful, it is necessary that they cultivate their managerial skills in a manner that would provide for long-term achievement of the goals set for the departments under their leadership. The managerial theory and practice has identified three principal aspects that influence performance (Vaněk et al., 2012).

  7. Hi Madhura, There are two types of benefits basically –financial and moral benefits. Every incentive plan, and any good organization has such a program in place, should provide for the right balance between these two advantages. The effective incentive scheme as individual employees have individual preferences, can not ignore these two motivation aspects (Armstrong and Murlis, 2007).

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Manzoor (2012), states that , For achieving prosperity, organizations design different strategies to compete with the competitors and for increasing the performance of the organizations. A very few organizations believe that the human personnel and employees of any organization are its main assets which can lead them to success or if not focused well, to decline. Unless and until, the employees of any organization are satisfied with it, are motivated for the tasks fulfillment and goals achievements and encouraged, none of the organization can progress or achieve success. From employee’s view, Money is the fundamental inducement, no other incentive or motivational technique comes even close to it with respect to its influential value (Sara et al, 2004).

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. The motivated employees surely are the ones who will take the organization right the top in today's competitive business world. Vanek (2012), explains that in the 21st Century, it is the Human resource, more or less the ones with knowledge and higher productivity are the biggest assets the organizations possess.

  12. To the topic of Impact of Employee Motivation also can added that motivated employees engaged more to fulfill the organizational goals (Rich 2006) also motivated employees quality of work are in a higher grade (Cerasoli et al. 2014).

  13. Organizations core potential lies in its motivated and satisfied employees who consistently contribute towards organization goals and objective. Effective HRM system could be a great deal of assistance in keeping employee morale high (Kumar and Garg, 2011).

  14. Employees want to earn reasonable salary and payment, and desire their workers to feel that is what they are getting (Houran, 2010). Money is the fundamental inducement; no other incentive or motivational technique comes even close to it with respect to its influential value (Sara et al, 2004). It has the supremacy to magnetize, maintain and motivate individuals towards higher performance. Frederick Taylor and his scientific management associate described Monet as the most fundamental factor in motivating the industrial workers to attain greater productivity (Adeyinka et al, 2007). Research has suggested that reward now cause satisfaction of the employee which directly influences performance of the employee (Kalimullah et al 2010). Rewards are a management tool that hopefully contributes to firms’ performance by influencing individual or group behaviour. All businesses use pay, promotion, bonuses or other types of rewards to motivate and encourage high level performances of employees (Reena et al, 2009). To use salaries as a motivator effectively, managers must consider salary structures which should include importance organization attach to each job, payment according to performance, personal or special allowances, fringe benefits, pensions and so on (Adeyinka et al, (2007). Leadership is all about getting things done the right way, to do that you need people to follow you, you need to have them trust you. And if you want them to trust you and do things for you and the organization, they need to be motivated (Baldoni, 2005).

  15. Armstrong and Taylor (2014) explain motivation as the psychological effect on people to behave in one direction. Reward and recognition enhance the performance of employees. Promotion, bonus, increment and appreciation method should implement to retain high performance employees (Ali and ahmed, 2009).

    1. The motivation as such is a theme that attracts attention of many researches, and we can trace many related reference definitions of motivation. If managers play their roles well, they can efficiently attain objectives of their organisation. What more, we should not forget that the properly motivated staff not only ensures current production and competition efficiency of the organisation but also provides for returns of workforce investments (Vaněk et al., 2012).

  16. Hi Madura, According to a study conducted by Grant (2008), motivation imposes employee outcomes for instance performance and productivity. He also established that motivated employees are more oriented towards autonomy and are more self-driven in contrast to less motivated employees. Further, motivated employees are highly engaged and involved in their work and jobs and are more willing to take responsibilities (Kuvaas & Dysvik, 2009).

  17. Organizations in this dynamic globalized world are continuously trying to develop and motivate their employees to help achieve enhanced performance with various Human Resource applications and practices. Reward management system is the highly used practice for the enterprises to achieve the desired goals (Güngör, 2011). According to Barber and (Bertz,2000), Reward management system helps the organizations to attract, capture, retain and motivate employees with high potential and in return get high levels of performance

  18. The central focus of Abraham Maslow’s hierarchy of needs is on exploration of how people’s attitude is stimulated by human desire to meet certain human needs in various communities in the society. Mulwa (2008) states that Abraham Maslow’s theory of needs is specifically built on the idea that human behavior is really motivated by the simple desire to meet specific human needs in the society.
