of the organization are an employee and In order for an organization to operate
smoothly and uninterrupted, employee cooperation cannot be replaced by anything
else (Nurun Nabi et
al., 2017).
motivation plays an important role in the field of management both theoretically
and practically (Nurun Nabi et
al., 2017) Capacity
and motivation is needed for efficient organizational performance since that
organizational efficiency involves staff ready to conduct, and not only
voluntarily, but also skilled in any organizational activity (Lyimo, 2019). Organization
management should treat employees as their most valuable asset, and in order to
get the best and highest out of this valuable asset, management needs to know
what motivates them as much as employees give. The best thing for the
organization (Vaněk et al.,
to Heryati (2020), Benefits of Motivated Employees as follows,
Increased employee commitment.
Improved employee satisfaction.
Improved employee efficiency.
And Employee motivation increase by,
Improve Positive Communication.
Value individual contribution.
Positive workplace environment.
employee performance level is basically related to the three key fundamental
factors: (1) knowledge and skills, (2) workplace and organization conditions,
(3) motivation (Vaněk et al., 2012). Motivation encourages
employees internally to take action that will help them achieve the required
task employ effectiveness is a way which can inspire people to their work and
can bring more work motivation to the commitment of their jobs (Saleem, Mahmood and Mahmood, 2010). Motivated employees
focused on define goals and objectives that employees must achieve, therefore,
it directs the effort in that direction (Manzoor, 2011).
employees are one of the assets to the organization, write the success of
organization (D. Lowe, 2017). Motivation is a the process that initiates through a physiological or psychological want that
stimulates a performance that is intended at object goals (Manzoor, 2011).
Motivational Theories
According to Varma (2017), There are numbers of
theories on motivation explaining,
Those are,
Maslow’s need hierarchy theory.
Herzberg’s two-factor theory.
McGregor’s theory ‘x’ and theory ‘y’
Vroom’s valence x expectancy theory.
Goal-setting theory.
ERG theory of motivation.
McClelland’s theory of needs.
Reinforcement theory of motivation.
Equity theory of motivation
D. Lowe, networking
for dummies (10th E. (2017) ‘About the Tutorial Disclaimer & Copyright’, Organizational
Behavior, pp. 1–305. Available at:
Heryati, R. (2020) Why
Employee Motivation Is Important (& How to Improve It), 6Q.
Available at: https://inside.6q.io/employee-motivation-important/.
Lyimo, B. J. (2019) ‘Impact of
Motivation on the Employee Performance , a Case Study of Zanzibar Airports
Authority’, 2(3).
Manzoor, Q.-A. (2011) ‘Impact
of Employees Motivation on Organizational Effectiveness’, Business
Management and Strategy, 3(1), pp. 36–45. doi: 10.5296/bms.v3i1.904.
Nurun Nabi, M. et al.
(2017) ‘the Impact of Motivation on Employee Performances: a Case Study of
Karmasangsthan Bank Limited, Bangladesh’, International Journal of Business
and Management Review, 5(4), pp. 57–78. Available at: www.eajournals.org.
Saleem, R., Mahmood, Azeem and
Mahmood, Asif (2010) ‘Effect of Work Motivation on Job Satisfaction in Mobile
Telecommunication Service Organizations of Pakistan’, International Journal
of Business and Management, 5(11), pp. 213–222. doi:
Vaněk, M. et al. (2012)
‘Employee motivation and benefits in industrial regions of the Czech Republic’,
12th International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference and EXPO -
Modern Management of Mine Producing, Geology and Environmental Protection, SGEM
2012, 1(June 2012), pp. 571–578. doi: 10.5593/sgem2012/s03.v1022.
Varma, C. (2017) ‘Importance
of Employee Motivation & Job Satisfaction for Organizational Performance’, International
Journal of Social Science & Interdisciplinary Research, 6(2), pp.