Maslow's hierarchy of needs was explained by Abraham Maslow in his 1943 paper "A Theory of Human Motivation". It’s a theory of psychology anticipate (Jerome, 2013) Prior to Maslow, researchers were generally focused on factor such as biology, achievement, or power to explain what energizes, directs, and sustains human behavior separately (Huitt, 2007) Maslow's hierarchy of needs posited two basic groupings of the human hierarchy needs which were deficiency needs and growth needs (Huitt, 2007). When Considering about the deficiency needs each lower level need to fulfill before moving to the next higher level (Uysal, Aydemir and Genc, 2010).
According to the Huitt (2007) deficiency needs are,
- Physiological: hunger, thirst, bodily comforts
- Safety/security: out of danger
- Belongingness and Love: affiliate with others, be accepted; and
- Esteem: to achieve, be competent, gain approval and recognition.
According to Maslow's hierarchy of needs
deficiency needs must be satisfied before person can their potential and
self-actualize (McLeod,
2007). Self-realization is an individual's
effort to empower himself, develop skills, and reach the ideal person wants to be (Tezcan
Uysal and Genç, 2017). Leading to this topic model was
created a visualization in the shape of pyramid divided in to five levels (Benson
and Dundis, 2003).Individual moves to
self-actualization level it emphasized the meaning to life that is important to
them (McLeod,
Figure 1 : Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Pyramid (Tezcan Uysal and Genç, 2017)
The bottom of the pyramid is the human Physiological level includes food, water, and shelter which most basic level for humans. Survival is the most basic needs and when the physiological level has been met, the individual moved to the safety level (Benson and Dundis, 2003). In the safety level individual seek to be assisted in seeing the way can be safe and secure (Huitt, 2007). Once the Individual fulfill the safe level next two levels accordingly Love and belonging as well as esteem (Benson and Dundis, 2003).
Video 1: (Desai, 2013)
In the business perspective, this
model can be approached for understanding the motivation of employee (Benson
and Dundis, 2003). According to my personal
experience, most of the organization provide benefits for non-managerial level
such a vehicle or Vehicle allowance, foreign travels, entertainment facilities
to motivate and retain their employees by maintaining esteem level. Conversely,
Salary, allowances, and overtime are the physiological level require for day
to day life needs and all individuals worry about job security is the security
level seems the safety level of the model. On the other modern organization
providing health insurance and it feels employee to more safe for his/her life.
Further modern organization’s management respect employee’s ideas and treat
them as a partner of the decision maker. It makes them as a part of the team
and it seems the love and social need level.
According to Jerome
(2013) Maslow describes self-actualization
as a person's need to be and do that which the person was "born to
do." "A musician must make music, an artist must paint, and a poet
must write." These needs make themselves felt in signs of restlessness. My
idea is from the business perspective organization provides special training,
moves individuals to special projects, and granted freedom for innovation
provided by the management is the self-actualization level.
S. G. and Dundis, S. P. (2003) ‘Understanding and motivating health care
employees: Integrating Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, training and technology’, Journal
of Nursing Management, 11(5), pp. 315–320. doi:
Desai, S. (2013) Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, khanacademy.
Available at:
Huitt, W. (2007) ‘Maslow ’ s Hierarchy Maslow ’ s Hierarchy
of Needs’.
Jerome, N. (2013) ‘Application of the Maslow’s hierarchy of
need theory; impacts and implications on organizational culture, human resource
and employee’s performance’, International Journal of Business and
Management Invention ISSN (Online, 2(3), p. 23198028.
McLeod, S. A. (2007) ‘CT2 Paper 1 Maslow’s Hierarchy of
Needs’, Simply Psychology, 1(1), pp. 1–8.
Tezcan Uysal, H. and Genç, E. (2017) ‘Maslow ’ S Hierarchy of
Needs in 21St Century : the Examination of’, Researches on Science and Art
in 21st Century Turkey, (April 2018), pp. 211–227.
Uysal, H. T., Aydemir, S. and Genc, E. (2010) ‘Maslow ’ S
Hierarchy – 21St’, (April), p. 211.